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Don’t ignore the danger of vaping

Know the dangers and risks associated with vaping so you can make informed choices.

There's a new toolkit available to help providers talk about Your Life Iowa

As a healthcare provider, taking care of your patients is your number one goal. With Your Life Iowa as an extension of your team, your patients are always in good hands. 

Study drugs don't make college students smarter

Students who misuse prescription drugs are more likely to have worse academic performance.

Supporting students with YLI information on ID cards

Published June 29, 2023

It’s now easier for teens to know where to go when they have questions or concerns about alcohol, substance use, mental health and more.

Say Something About Suicide. Save a Life.

You might not know what to say to someone in your life who you think may be considering suicide. We get it. Talking about suicide can be hard. But it might be one of the most important conversations you ever have.

Recovery and the Holidays

When you’re in recovery, holidays can pose an extra challenge to your sobriety. But anticipating these potential challenges and reviewing the tools at your disposal can help you better maintain sobriety during the holiday season. Your Life Iowa is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. even on holidays.

Free tools and guidance for better health

Your Life Iowa supports healthy living. That’s why we’re providing free tools and guidance for better health.

Health Literacy – Your Guide to Better Health

Health literacy - the ability to find, understand and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions – is vital for wellness. Having access to a one-stop resource for information, care and support is important to healthy living. It's important to YLI too.  We'll walk beside you, providing tools, guidance and hope for better health. 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month – You’re Not Alone

Substance use and mental health concerns impact many areas of daily life, including individuals’ risk of experiencing domestic violence in an intimate partner relationship. If you or a loved one are experiencing domestic violence or have concerns about substance use or mental health, Your Life Iowa is here to support you.

The Dangers of Fentanyl

Think of a package of sugar. The kind you’d put in your morning coffee at your favorite Iowa coffee shop. That package contains 4,000 milligrams of sugar. It takes just two milligrams of Fentanyl to kill you or your loved ones.