Take care of your mental health.
If you’re feeling anxious, depressed or just not yourself, there’s no shame in getting help. After all, just like your physical health, it’s important to take care of your mental health. The earlier you get help, the faster you can lead the life you want.
Warning Signs
- Long-lasting sadness or irritability
- Withdrawing from social activities
- Dramatic changes in sleeping or eating
- Experiencing high and low moods
- Feeling excessive fear, worry or anxiety

All diagnoses affect the brain and the body
How the brain and body are impacted differs depending upon the diagnosis and symptoms.
Support your health and wellness.
Physical & Mental Health
There are many ways mental health can impact physical health.
Risk Factors
There are many factors that contribute to mental health concerns or mental illness.
Self-Care Checklist
Taking care of your emotional and mental wellbeing is important.
Crisis Services
A mental health crisis occurs when acute or chronic stressors become too much to handle.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid teaches the signs and symptoms of mental health problems.
Frequently asked questions about mental health.
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You can never have too much support.
Stigma & Mental Health
The words you use matter.

I called worried about my son. The counselor listened to my story and helped me create a safe plan to address my concerns. Thank you for your service!”

Support for family and friends.
With Your Life Iowa, you and your loved ones are never alone. Whether you want more information about how to help someone, would like to connect to a treatment professional or just want to talk to someone who cares, we’re here for you.
Want to find help on your own?
Your Life Iowa is always here to help you find resources near you. However, we understand that sometimes you’d like to look for help on your own. Our map will let you do just that.
Would you like a mental health professional to contact you?
Fill out a simple contact form and a professional will reach out to you.