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Words Matter: How to Talk About Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The words we use to talk about mental health can help improve the perception and treatment of mental health.

Build coping skills for mental wellness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Learn how to grow your coping skills for mental wellness.

Understand binge drinking’s impact on health

20% of Iowans have admitted to binge drinking in the last month.

How technology can affect mental health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Learn how technology can negatively impact mental health and social connections.

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Approximately 13.6% of Adult Iowans have experienced a sign or symptom of problem gambling in the past year. We can help.

How does your county compare?

Learn about healthcare in your community with Iowa HHS's new county snapshots.

Visit the new Your Life Iowa Resource Center

The new Your Life Iowa Resource Center has over 300+ free items on important wellness topics.

Your Life Iowa Online Apparel Store

Help connect your community with Your Life Iowa (YLI) services through the new online YLI apparel store.  The store is open each month from the 1st through the 20th. Orders will be shipped after the store closes each month.

Is burn out impacting your mental health?

Sometimes, every day life can feel overwhelming.

Self-care important for taking care of mental health

When you take the time to care for yourself now, you can increase future wellness for yourself and your loved ones.