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Community Trauma

When traumatic events occur, know that Your Life Iowa is here for you.  We provide a listening ear and connect you to community support.  We will walk beside you and help you navigate the aftermath of a crisis you or a loved one has experienced.

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Natural Disasters

Iowa HHS provides the following resources to assist with the recent Tornado outbreak.

Mass Violence

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services | Iowa Department of Education

Iowa HHS has partnered with the Iowa Department of Education to compile a resource document, which includes helpful resources for families as well as community providers. 

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)  

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) is a national resource to help parents and caregivers talk about traumatic events with children and teens. 

Help Talking to Children

Help Talking to Teens

Psychological First Aid

PFA assists children, teens, and adults who have experienced tragedy.

Help for Responders

National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center 

NMVVRC helps communities prepare for and respond to mass violence.

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials 

ASTHO works to improve the public health of communities.

Iowa PBS

Iowa PBS provides English and Spanish resources to help children understand emergencies. 

We provide free, confidential support and connect you with resources. Reach out now for immediate support for yourself or a loved one.

Call:(855) 581-8111      Text:(855) 895-8398      Live Chat


Want to find help on your own?

Your Life Iowa is always here to help you find resources near you. However, we understand that sometimes you’d like to look for help on your own. Our map will let you do just that.

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