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Drug Resources

How prevalent is substance use?

Behavioral Health Barometer (Region 7 | Volume 7)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides this PDF on alcohol and drug use from the 2021-2022 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) for Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri (Region 7).  

Drug Information (DPS)
Iowa Department of Public Safety site provides up to date information on recent trends and emerging drugs. 

Methamphetamine Use and Trends in Iowa (January 2023)
Iowa Substance Use Brief on methamphetamine use in Iowa, youth risk and access, and related deaths.

What are common types of drugs?

Commonly Used Drugs chart
National Institute on Drug Abuse information chart of commonly used drugs, including cocaine, ketamine, PCP and salvia.

Club Drugs

Club drugs overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about club drugs.

What are club drugs?
MedlinePlus webpage with overview of club drugs and steps to protect yourself.

Club and Date Rape Drugs
Palo Alto Medical Foundation site with information on how to protect yourself.

Ecstasy (MDMA)
Information for teens from NIDA.

Crack and Cocaine

Cocaine and Crack overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about cocaine and crack.

In the Know Zone: Cocaine
Syndistar site with cocaine information, images, statistics, street names, history, cocaine and the brain, short and long-term effects.


Inhalants overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about inhalants.

The National Inhalant Prevention Coalition
Information on inhalants and huffing. Statistics, how to recognize signs of inhalant use, tips for teachers, products abused as inhalants, FAQs, prevention campaign, Spanish version.


Marijuana overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about marijuana.

Marijuana & Other Drugs: A Link We Can’t Ignore (SAM)
Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) PDF on marijuana use and the connection to other drug use

Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM)
Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) website with facts, resources, news and more on marijuana.

Marijuana Facts
Marijuana information from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.

Marijuana Facts (NIDA)
Presents science-based information on the effects of marijuana use on the body and brain. A National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) sponsored site.


Methamphetamine overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about methamphetamine.

In The Know: Amphetamine
Comprehensive site with amphetamine photos, history, statistics, and street names.

Just Think Twice
A youth-oriented site created by the DEA's Demand Reduction Program.

Meth Awareness
A USDOJ site that includes a images of meth, meth labs, photos of users, effect on users, more.

National Indian County Methamphetamine Initiative 
There are lots of cool things about being native. Meth isn't one of them. An anti-methamphetamine ad campaign for a Native American audience. 

Meth Use in Iowa
PDF of slide show from Methamphetamine Use in Iowa Prevention Response Workshop (March 2022)


Opioids overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about opioids.

What to do in case of an opioid overdose
Feel prepared to help someone during an opioid overdose with information from Your Life Iowa.

Women and Opioids
Do you know the group of women most at risk for an opioid overdose?

What to know about fentanyl
Your Life Iowa webpage about fentanyl, signs of an overdose, Naloxone, and available resources.

Fake Pills

The Danger of Fake Pills
Your Life Iowa webpage with information and images about fake prescription pills and their related risks.

Prescription Drugs and Cold Medicine

RX Pain Medications: Know the Options - Get the Facts
A series of 13 fact sheets designed to increase awareness of the risks associated with prescription opioid use and misuse, as well as to educate patients who are prescribed opioids for pain about the risks and to provide resources on methods for alternative pain management from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Take Away - Environmental Return System
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy sponsors a program that provides the public with a safe, easy way to properly dispose of unwanted and expired medications. TakeAway uses community pharmacies across the state as the take-back sites.

National Take-Back Initiative Day
On specific days throughout the year, the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.

Prescription Drug Abuse 
Medline Plus website with information about prescription drug abuse.

Stop Medicine Abuse was created by the leading makers of OTC cough medicines.


Synthetics overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about synthetics.

The Danger of Fake Pills
Your Life Iowa webpage with information and images about fake prescription pills and their related risks.

Iowa Statewide Poison Control Center 
For poison emergency, call 1-800-222-1222 (voice and TTY).

Emerging Drugs 
Information on K2/spice,bath salts, flakka and many more - National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA).

Synthetic Cathinones Fact Sheet  
Information on "bath salts," a human-made stimulants chemically related to cathinone - National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA).

The Danger of Fake Pills
Your Life Iowa webpage with information and images about fake prescription pills and their related risks.

Tobacco and Nicotine

Tobacco and Nicotine overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about tobacco and nicotine.

Quitline Iowa 
Quitline Iowa is a toll-free, statewide tobacco cessation telephone counseling hotline (1-800-784-8669). Trained counselors provide callers with information about the health consequences of tobacco use, assistance in making an individualized quit plan, and ongoing support through optional follow-up calls.

My Life My Quit 
At My Life, My Quit we share the truth about nicotine, vaping and other tobacco products. If you decide you want to quit, we're here to help you do it successfully. Text "Start My Quit" to 855.891.9989 or call to talk with a coach who is ready to listen and cheer you on. It's YOUR LIFE and we're here to help you live it YOUR WAY.

Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids 
A leading force in the fight to reduce tobacco use and its deadly toll in the United States and around the world. We advocate for public policies proven to prevent kids from smoking, help smokers quit and protect everyone from secondhand smoke. Learn more about our key initiatives.

Iowa Dept. of Public Health 
Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Programs, events, master tobacco settlement agreement, publications and fact sheets, statistics. 
Tobacco news and information, quotes, resources, links, and tobacco history.

Smoking and Tobacco Use 
CDC Site with tobacco information for all ages. Includes Surgeon General's tobacco reports, data, statistics and fact sheets, cessation information, educational materials, and campaigns and events.

The American Lung Association State of Tobacco Control 2020 
The American Lung Association has released its annual State of Tobacco Control report grading all 50 states on their policies to reduce tobacco addiction, diseases and death. Find out if your state has the policies in place to get the job done.

American Cancer Society 
Smoking health issues, public issues, quitting smoking, the Great American Smokeout, smoking-related cancers.

National Cancer Institute 
Valuable cancer-related health information. Tobacco, smoking and cessation fact sheets.

What is Naloxone?

Did you know you can purchase naloxone at your local pharmacy without a prescription?

Purchase Naloxone without a Prescription
Your Life Iowa webpage with information on how to purchase Naloxone without a prescription. 

Are teens at risk?

Youth Substance Use - Iowa Public Health Tracking Portal
Iowa Health and Human Services information about teen substance use. 

Tips for Teens: The Truth About Methamphetamine
SAMHSA PDF download factsheet on methamphetamine for teens.

Heroin, Fentanyl & other Opioids resource for families with a teen or young adult 
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and The Medicine Abuse Project publication on drug use and what to do if your child is using drugs.

Inhalant Information for Teens
Comprehensive information for teens from NIDA.

Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know
National Institute on Drug Abuse webpage with facts about marijuana use in teens, FAQs, tips to start a conversation and other resources.

Make Up Your Own Mind About Cough Medicine
A Partnership for Drug-Free Kids site about cough and cold medicine abuse for teens.

YLI College Student Brochure
Your Life Iowa brochure about common concerns college students may have regarding alcohol, substance use, mental health, thoughts of suicide, or problem gambling.

Need resources for healthcare, emergency services, etc?

Iowa's Prescription Monitoring Program
Your Life Iowa website with information on the Iowa Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, which can help providers safely prescribe opioids and other controlled substances.

Naloxone and Law Enforcement
You've heard of naloxone, sometimes called NARCAN, a brand name, to reverse an opioid overdose. But are you wondering how to use naloxone as an officer or sheriff?

How are substance use and mental health connected?

Mental health and substance use disorders fact sheet
SAMHSA article on the impact substance abuse can have on mental health with links to additional resources.

Are prescription drugs still drugs?

Rx Pain Medications PDF files
SAMHSA Rx Pain Medication PDF documents on prescription drug topics including drug interactions, safe storage and disposal and risks of opioid pain medication.

Prescription drugs and cold medicines overview
Your Life Iowa webpage with definition, side effects and resources about prescription drugs and cold medicines.

Prescription Drugs are Still Drugs
Did you know four out of five new heroin users started with prescription drugs like Oxycodone?

Where can I access legal resources?

Iowa’s Good Samaritan Law
Your Life Iowa’s facts, flyers and video on Iowa’s Good Samaritan Law that protects you if you witness a drug overdose and call 911.

Involuntary Commitment or Treatment in Iowa
Iowa Judicial Branch’s overview of Iowa law for court proceedings for the involuntary commitment, treatment or hospitalization of someone who suffers a serious mental impairment or has a substance-related disorder.

How can I help someone concerning their drug use?

Naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose
Your Life Iowa flyer on naloxone, available at a pharmacy without a prescription; it can reverse an opioid overdose.

Addressing addiction through Family Behavior Therapy
I Am in Control Drug Rehabilitation Services webpage on Family Behavior Therapy, families and addiction, and more.

Understanding Drug Use and Addiction Drug facts
National Institute on Drug Abuse webpage and PDF on drug addiction, what happens in the brain, and more.

Harm reduction flyer
1 page PDF on harm reduction strategies and information.

How can illegal drug use impact friends and family?

Who will you hurt if you use meth?
Iowa Department of Public Health 30-second YouTube video illustrating the impact parental drug abuse can have on children.

You could lose a lot if you smoke weed
Iowa Department of Public Health 30-second YouTube video illustrating the impact weed usage can have on a teen and their family.


HBO Addiction documentary
HBO documentary “Addiction” challenging traditional beliefs about addiction and trends and treatments in the ongoing battle against drug and alcohol abuse; available for streaming.

Where can I find support and information?

Medications for Substance Use Disorders
SAMHSA webpage with information on how medications can be used to treat substance use disorders, sustain recovery and prevent overdose.

Faces & Voices of Recovery
Website for organization that aims to "Chang(e) the way addiction and recovery are understood and embraced through advocacy, education and leadership."

In the Rooms online recovery group 
Global Recovery Community recovery group online search tool.

Iowa Narcotics Anonymous
Iowa Region of Narcotics Anonymous website with meeting listens, events, resources and more.

CRUSH of Iowa (Community Resources United to Stop Heroin) Facebook group
Eastern Iowa support group in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City.

¿Dónde puedo encontrar recursos en español?

Instituto Nacional sobre Abuso de Drogas
Instituto Nacional sobre Abuso de Drogas website with information on programs, resources, news and more.

Folleto sobre el uso de sustancias de YLI en español
Folleto Your Life Iowa en español sobre el uso de sustancias que puede imprimir por su cuenta.

Folleto sobre el uso de sustancias de YLI en español (con sangrado)
Folleto Your Life Iowa en español sobre el uso de sustancias con marcas de corte para impresión profesional.

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