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Gambling Counseling – Part 2

This session will concentrate on the counselors skills needed to work with disordered clients in the early stages of recovery. Time will be spent on dual diagnosis SA clients and early stage recovery from both disorders. 


  • Participants will understand the timelines of recovery.
  • Participants will understand the milestones of early recovery according to Dr. Custer’s book.
  • Participants will be given tools to help aid the clients in “early” recovery stage.

Gambling Counseling – Part 1

 This session will introduce the timelines and milestones to be achieved in the “crisis” stages or recovery.


  • Participants will understand the “crisis” stage of disordered gambling recovery.
  • Participants will be given some tools to help aid in helping clients in the initial “crisis” stage if recovery.

Gambling Pathways - Part 2

This session will discuss the treatment implications of disordered gambling using the pathways model of assessment. This model includes disordered gamblers with dual diagnosis.


  • Participants will be introduced to the types of treatment needed for each of the gambling pathways.
  • Participants will be introduced to the treatment implications of each gambling pathway.

Gambling Pathways - Part 1

This session will introduce the Pathways model of determining both origin and placement of those diagnosed with a gambling disorder.


  • Participants will understand the gambling pathways questionnaire to assist in determining how to develop an appropriate treatment plan and monitor treatment progress.
  • Participants will be able to identify the several types of pathways to a gambling disorder and impact on treatment needs and recovery.

Gambling: ASAM Criteria-Part 1

This session will compare and contrast the Gambling Disorder ASAM criteria with the Substance Use Disorder ASAM criteria to assist with placement.


  • Participants will understand the use of ASAM criteria to determine placement of gamblers in treatment.
  • Participants will understand how to use ASAM criteria to develop an initial treatment plan.

Gambling Assessment - Part 2

This session will concentrate on relevant questions in aiding in the disordered gambling diagnosis assessment. The session will compare and contrast the DSM criteria for SA and disordered gambling.


  • Participants will be given a list of potential questions to ask in completion of a disordered gambling assessment.
  • Participants will learn how to use existing SUD assessment data mining skill in completing a gambling disorder assessment.