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Strength for recovery in numbers

Meet the thousands of Iowans experiencing a sign or symptom of a mental health, substance use or gambling disorder. Your friends and family want to support you in the same way you want to support them. There are resources like Your Life Iowa where you can find expert help. You do not have to be alone.

Knowing when to help

If you are concerned about a loved one that doesn’t quite seem themselves, our recommendation is to trust your instincts. Most of the time something is in fact wrong. That’s hard to think about.  The sooner you and your loved one address the problems, the better the chances for successful treatment and recovery.

Suicide is more common than you think

As a community, we need to stop pretending suicide is not common. Instead, let us start treating suicide and thoughts of suicide as a real, tangible part of many people’s lives. When communities start talking about it openly and honestly, we have a real shot at getting our friends and neighbors the support they need. 

Start a conversation. Save a life.

You can see that something is off. Maybe it is your son, best friend, your partner. Whomever it is, you just know in your gut they are not themselves, something has changed. It is time to trust your gut.

Maintaining recovery in trying times

Life is stressful. You may not be sleeping. Your life may sometimes feel out of sorts and you just cannot seem to connect with your support system. You are not alone. Many people are right where you are.

Recognizing the impacts of meth on your body

It only took one time. Maybe it was pressure from a friend, a desire to escape for just a few minutes, the curiosity of feeling a euphoric rush. Or, maybe you were working multiple jobs to make ends meet and just needed to stay awake. Now you are not sure what to do. We understand.

My teen is vaping, what can I do?

Vaping among teenagers continues to rise. Boasting fruity flavors and convenient and often easy to hide devices it is no wonder teenagers see the allure of these e-cigarettes. In fact, new data from the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey show that one in five high school students and one in 20 middle school students reported using e-cigarettes. Learn five tips in talking with your kids about vaping.

Am I drinking too much?

How to tell the difference between casual drinking and drinking that puts you at-risk for problems. The fact that you are wondering if you may be drinking too much is a good start. You have come to the right place.

Encouragement. One text at a time.

Encouragement. One text at a time. You can never have too much support. Especially when you’re facing a problem with alcohol or drug use, gambling, suicidal thoughts or mental health challenges. That’s why Your Life Iowa created our supportive text messaging program. So you can sign up to receive messages designed to provide you encouragement, no matter what you may be facing.

We are on your team when sports betting becomes a problem.

We are on your team when sports betting becomes a problem. If your sports betting is getting out of control, we are on your team. No judging. Just listening. We can help!