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Health and Wellness - Suicide

Health and wellness are core necessities to wellbeing. It's important to know the impacts and risks of suicidal thoughts and the local resources that can help.

Thoughts of suicide affect thousands of Iowans each year. Your Life Iowa can help you find support if you're having thoughts of suicide. We can also support you in helping someone you're concerned about. 

Talk with your healthcare provider about ways to improve your health and wellness. Ask for advice from healthy supporters or use reputable internet sources. Remember, there is hope wherever you are.

 Many people have thoughts of suicide. 

In 2020, 12.2 million adults nationwide thought about dying by suicide. Groups at highest risk to die by suicide include:

  • Non-Hispanic American Indians.
  • Alaska Natives. 
  • Non-Hispanic White Americans. 

Males are four times more likely to die by suicide, making up almost 80-percent of deaths by suicide1.

Suicide is a complex problem. It is often related to a constellation of events, experiences and feelings. No matter what you're feeling, Your Life Iowa is here to support you. Talking about suicide can be scary. YLI can help and connect you with local resources. 

 Most people with thoughts of suicide show warning signs. 

Most people who die by suicide show warning signs. It can be difficult to recognize the warning signs in the moment. Warning signs include2:

Talking about wanting to die. 

Giving away possessions. 

Acting agitated or anxious.

If you notice these warning signs in a loved one, please reach out immediately. Your Life Iowa is a trusted, knowledgeable resource to help connect you with care. 

 Suicide is preventable. 

Most individuals are desperate to live. They are unable to see alternatives to their problems. Strategies to help prevent suicide include3"

Improving access to medical care. 

Promoting healthy connections. 

Teaching coping skills. 

Identifying and supporting people at risk. 

Support and help are available 24/7. Call or text now. We are ready to listen. 

Questions about your or someone else's thoughts of suicide? Your Life Iowa can listen and connect you with support. Contact YLI 24/7. 

Call:(855) 581-8111      Text:(855) 895-8398      Live Chat


  1. Suicide Data and Statistics. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023. 
  2. Frequently Asked Questions about Suicide. National Institute of Mental Health. 2023. 
  3. Suicide Prevention Resources. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 


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