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Health and Wellness - Maternal Health

Perinatal Depression & Your Health and Wellness

Are you feeling sad or anxious, crying more than usual or feel like you are not bonding with your baby? Any mom can experience symptoms of perinatal depression. Some moms may be more prone to experience depression based on many factors, including genetics.  

If you or someone you know has symptoms of postpartum depression, it's important to reach out. Let your partner or a loved one know and talk to them. Call Your Life Iowa to get connected to caring professionals trained in perinatal depression. We're here to help, 24/7. The quicker you get help and the support you need the better it is for you, your baby and your family. Don't go through this alone. Let someone help you.

Remember - perinatal depression can happen to any mom, but it's treatable. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

 The Language We Use Matters 

How we talk and think about mental health impacts those with mental health concerns. The stigma around mental health often prevents people from seeking or accessing care. The good news is that there are safe, effective tools for combating stigma. You can help reduce stigma in your home and community. 

  • One of the main ways people perpetuate stigma is through language. 
    • Terms like “crazy” and “psychotic” create the idea that those with a mental illness are dangerous or bad. Slang or derogatory terms also perpetuate negative connotations. Instead, use person-first language and proper medical terms (i.e., a person who has depression). 
    • Do not use a mental illness as a “catch all” to describe a negative behavior. For example, do not use “She’s so bipolar” to describe someone’s actions. 
  • Have open, honest conversations about stigma and mental health. Make sure to listen and support them. Offer to help connect them with more support. Your Life Iowa can help you start a conversation about mental health with a loved one. 
  • Learn more about mental health concerns and how they are treatable medical conditions. People with a mental health concern or mental illness deserve compassion and respect. 

Learn more about mental health and stigma


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Additional Resources on Maternal Health