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Doreen Marshall, Ph.D

As a psychologist with experience that spans clinical, educational, and professional settings, Dr. Doreen Marshall has been engaged in local and national suicide prevention work for nearly 20 years. Since joining AFSP in 2014, Dr. Marshall has expanded AFSP’s menu of education programs for both clinicians and general audiences and revamped the infrastructure to improve program delivery through a nationwide network of chapters. In her current role, Dr. Marshall fosters partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to advance AFSP’s mission to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide. Prior to joining AFSP, she served in a number of roles, including as a consultant for both national and state suicide prevention and postvention initiatives, which included providing suicide prevention training for the Division of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and serving on a task force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention.

Doreen headshot
Vice President of Mission Engagement